Superbells ‘Blue’

There is nothing more super than Superbells. Calibrachoas are a new type of plants that sort of look like little Petunias, which makes sense seeing as we’re related. Covered with hundreds of flowers from early spring all the way through those first light frosts. Just 6 – 10 inches tall, our long, long, trailing branches cascade over the sides of hanging baskets and other containers, and spread over flower beds. Hummingbirds are cuckoo about us.
Vigor, heat tolerance and resistance to disease are traits we all share. So is being an annual except in zones 9 – 11. You don’t have to deadhead old flowers or pinch back stems. Water only when the top of the soil feels dry. Too much water makes our roots rot (Ick). Full sun. Fertilize once a month. How extra double super easy is that?
“A Real Simple magazine – Top 10 goofproof Plant”