Flowering Trees
Crape Myrtle

The Crape Myrtle is one of the easiest to grow plants. It grows well in ordinary soil conditions that is well drained. Their large display of brilliant pink, white, rose or purple flowers blossom in late summer, at a time that not much else is in bloom. Their foliage is deep green that turns into […]
Read More....Dogwood Tree

Dogwoods are native to New Jersey which makes them a perfect choice for any landscape. They grow moderately to about 15-25 ft. tall and like partial sunlight. There are many different varieties of Dogwoods. Many hybrids have been created, but the white petal, blood red tipped variety is the favorite of most people. They are […]
Read More....Red Bud Tree

Red Buds are rising to become another favorite tree, sometimes making them hard to find. Their bright purple flowers in early spring always attract interest. Best of all, their leaves are an attractive tree throughout the season. They grow to be about 20-30ft. tall and will acclimate themselves to most types of soil. They requires […]
Read More....Plum Tree

Plum trees are not as well known as other varieties of trees. Their leaves are a deep purple and in mid spring they bloom with fragrant light pink flowers. Plums need full sun to maintain their purple color. They usually grow to be between 15-25 ft. tall.
Read More....Weeping Cherry

Weeping cherries are a perfect addition for spring color. They bloom with delicate white or pink flowers about late April and last about 2 weeks. Weeping cherries have a normal trunk, but a large umbrella of flowers and leaves that make the tree appear to “shower” the surrounding area. In the fall their leaves turn […]
Read More....Bradford Pear or Capital Pear

Pears are on of the most popular flowering trees because they are always one of the first trees to bloom and are resistant to many diseases and are easy to take care of. The white blooms can last about 2-3 weeks, depending on the weather. This tree can be placed anywhere there is enough sunlight […]
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