New Introductions

This little known shrub has become widely popular for its striking color and versitility in the yard. Everyone can enjoy this shrub as it will take full sun to shady conditions. Its bright holly-like leaves make quite a statement in any portion of your yard. the most popular uses have been foundation plantings, and accent […]
Read More....Camellias

This brand new shrub from Monrovia growers comes to us from the northern hardy series of camellias. Previous varieties have not been cold resistant enough to survive in our zone 6 climate, but these new varieties are winners all around. These varieties aren’t too big either, growing to be about 4-6’ tall and wide and […]
Read More....Jeepers creepers Ground Covers

This brand new line of ground covers spans a wide range of plants. They are perfect for spots that have been problematic in the past. They are very adaptable and require very little care. they tend not to be highly invasive like ivy or myrtle but they do spread, which is part of their charm. […]
Read More....Amber Waves Heuchera

This very pretty variety of an old shade garden perennial brings color where shady properties need it most. Amber waves has a gold leaf with a slight orange/red venation around the edges, depending on the conditions its in. its small leaves make it’s a great compliment to hostas and ferns against their dark leaves. Or […]
Read More....Hakonechloa Grass

For all of you with shady properties this new grass is perfect for you. Hakonechloa grass is one of the few outside of liriope that will tolerate shady conditions and still look great. Although not a tall grass like Miscanthus grasses it does develop into a nicely sized plant growing to be about 30-36” tall […]
Read More....Endless Summer Hydrangea

This summer beauty is a new introduction and has taken off with immense popularity. The color of the flower depends on the specific pH of your garden’s soil, but with our acidic soil in southern New Jersey, it will most likely be a pastel pink, something to really brighten any shady spot in your garden. […]
Read More....Orange Meadowbrite Coneflower

A brand new introduction to this popular perennial brings us a orange variety. This summer time favorite will brighten any landscape bed with a burst of color that will last much of the summer, ranging from June to mid august. It grows to be 24-30” tall and wide, and needs full sunlight to put out […]
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